Optionally, while we have the Android SDK Manager opened, you can create an emulator by clicking on “Virtual devices”: You might wish to also get the samples by checking “Samples for SDK API 11, revision 1”. For example, if you wish to do Honeycomb development (or your Android phone has Honeycomb), you can check “SDK Platform Android 3.0, API 11, revision 3”. Click on “Available packages”, expand “Android Repository”, and select the SDK Platform OS version that you want to develop for.Click on “Installed packages” to see what is installed by default, usually just the Android SDK Tool and Platform-tools.(It is mandatory that you install at least one OS platform version.) Run the Android SDK Manager, by launching $ANDROID_SDK/tools/android, to install support for one or more Android OS platform versions.Set NO_NEON to prevent Android compilation from using the Neon CPU enhancements which are not supported on all Android devices (including the Emulator).The PATH is optional but will make it easy for you to run the Android SDK Manager by typing “android” or the Android Debug Bridge by typing “adb” in the Terminal.We are just setting the JAVA_HOME to point at it. Mac OS X Snow Leopard comes with the 64bit version of Java 1.6 installed by default.Export JAVA_HOME= /System /Library /Frameworks /amework /HomeĮxport ANDROID_SDK= /Applications /android-sdk-mac_x86Įxport PATH= $PATH: $ANDROID_SDK /tools: $ANDROID_SDK /platform-tools